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Fachübergreifende Vernetzung ist ein wichtiger Teil unserer Arbeit
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
- Comparison of Material Fatigue Testing Strategies regarding Failure-Free Load Level of Steel Specimens using Bootstrapping and Statistical Models, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 253, 2025, 323-335, doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2025.01.095.
- Effective reliability verification of a technical subsystem through prior information generated by component tests, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 217, 2023, 1178-1187, doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2022.12.316.
- Foreword to the Special Issue on "Data Science in Process Industries", Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 38(5), 2022, 748-749, doi: 10.1002/asmb.2715
Early life reliability growth testing with non-constant failure intensity, Procedia Computer Science, Vol. 180, 2021, 608-617, doi.org/10.1016/j.procs.2021.01.283, together with S.P. Capser and G. I. Vignati.
- New model für stress tests without failures. Proceedings for
the Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS) Florida (2017),
together with Horst Lewitschnig.
- Discussion of 'Methods for planning repeated measures accelerated degradation tests'. Invited discussion paper, together with E. Stadlober, in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry, 2014 (30), p680-685, Wiley, New York.
- Usage Space Analysis for Reliability Testing. Quality and Reliability Engineering International, DOI: 10.1002/qre.1155. Wiley, New York (2010).
- A modular algorithm for Dynamic Design of Large-Scale Experiments, Journal of the Austrian Statistical Society Nr. 34, 229-244, (2008).
- Sampling and Design of Large-Scale Life Time Experiments. PhD Dissertation, Graz University of Technology, (2007).
- Technische Universität Wien, Institut für Managementwissenschaften Master, Wien: Zuverlässigkeitstechnik und -Management (WS 2017/2018, WS 2018/2019, WS 2019/2020, WS 2020/2021, WS 2021/2022,
WS 2022/2023, WS 2023/2024, WS 2024/2025) - Fachhochschule Joanneum, Luftfahrt/Aviation Bachelor, Graz: Statistik und Datenanalyse (SS 2017, SS 2018,
SS 2019, SS 2020, SS 2021, SS 2022, SS 2023, SS 2024) - Fachhochschule Joanneum, Luftfahrt/Aviation Master, Graz: Statistics and Data Analysis (WS 2011/12,
WS 2012/13, WS 2013/14, WS 2014/15, SS 2016, SS 2017, SS 2018, SS 2019, SS 2020, SS2021, SS 2022, SS 2023, SS 2024) - Fachhochschule Joanneum, Graz: Vorkurs Mathematik (2010)
- Fachhochschule Joanneum, Fahrzeugtechnik, Graz: Mathematik für Ingenieure (SS 2010)
- Fachhochschule Eisenstadt: Angewandte Statistik (SS 2010)
- Johannes-Kepler-Universität Linz: Zuverlässigkeitstheorie (WS 2007/08, WS 2009/10)
- Statistical Models for Health Monitoring of Railway Track Failures. Research Seminar at the Institute of Applied Statistics at Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz (2025).
- Comparison of Material Fatigue Testing Strategies regarding Failure-Free Load Level of Steel Specimens using Bootstrapping and Statistical Models. Presentation at ISM 2024, Prague/online (2024).
- Time-to-Failure Models for Health Monitoring of Railway Track Failures. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of
Business and Industrial Statistics, Leuven (2024).
- Statistical models for health monitoring of rare events in railway tracks. Presentation at the 52nd Scientific Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society, Bari (2024).
- Reliability Growth in the Context of Industry 4.0, Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Valencia (2023).
- The Role of Statistical Methods in Problem Solving Processes. Webinar - Statistics and Engineering in the European Context, Department of Statistics Computer Science Applications G. Parenti within the Competence Center ARTES 4.0 Activities, Florence/online (2023).
- Effective reliability verification of a technical subsystem through prior information generated by component tests. Presentation at ISM 2022, Hagenberg (2022).
- Consideration of prior information generated by component tests in the reliability verification of a technical subsystem. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Trondheim (2022).
- Classification of on-road routes for the reliability assessment of drive-assist systems in heavy-duty trucks based on electronic map data. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Valencia/online (2021).
- Models for Reliability Verification. Atelier de Statistique Appliquée, Institut de Statistique, Université Catholique de Louvain, Bruxelles/online (2021).
- Early Life Reliability Growth Testing with Non-constant Failure Intensity. Presentation at ISM 2020, Hagenberg/online (2020).
- Reliability Verification as integrated part of a product development process. Presentation at StEering "Statistics and Innovation for Industry 4.0", Florence (2020).
- Reliability Verification of Composed Systems. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Budapest (2019).
- Reliability Verification of Complex Objects. SMSA 2019 Conference, TU Dresden (2019).
- A Model Selection Strategy for Reliability Verification. Österreichische Statistiktage, Linz (2018).
- Hierarchical Models for Reliability Verification. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Nancy (2018).
- Sampling Strategies for the Verification of Reliability Targets. Presentation at a Webinar of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistcs (2018).
- Risk-Based Sampling for the Verification of Reliability Targets. Presentation at the Colloquium in Honor of Prof. Ernst Stadlober, Graz (2018).
- Reliability Assessment with Failure Free Stress Tests. Presentation at the spring conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Aigen-Schlägl (2017).
- Applicability of Software Reliability Models. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Naples (2017).
- The Effect of Miss-Specified Suspensions in Lifetime Prediction with Heavily Censored Data. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Sheffield (2016).
- Sensitivity and Robustness of Designs for Repeated Measures Accelerated Degradation Tests. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Prag (2015).
- An Application of Zellner`s g Prior to Reliability Growth Models. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Linz (2014).
- Weibull Analysis with Heavily Censored Data. Presentation at the annual conference of ENBIS, the European Network of Business and Industrial Statistics, Ankara (2013).
- Reliability Analysis with Warranty Data. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Ljubljana (2012).
- A Consideration of Error Probability in Multilevel Reliability Verification. Österreichische Statistiktage, Graz (2011).
- Identification of Adequate Reliability Targets. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Coimbra (2011).
- Sampling for Verification Experiments. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Antwerp (2010).
- Verifikation der Zuverlässigkeit komplexer technischer Produkte. SimNet Summer School, Graz (2010).
- Simulationsbasierte Planung von Testprogrammen zur Abschätzung der Schwingfestigkeit von Legierungen. SimNet Days, Graz (2010).
- Dynamic Design of Large-Scale System Reliability Experiments. Atelier de Statistique Appliquée, Institut de Statistique, Université Catholique de Louvain, Bruxelles (2010).
- Usage Space Analysis for Robust Reliability Testing. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Göteborg (2009).
- Konzepte zur Statistischen Analyse Biometrischer Längsschnittdaten. Projekttagung JEKI, Universität Heidelberg (2009).
- Dynamic Design of Validation Experiments. Winner of the Best Poster Award at the ENBIS annual conference Athens (2008).
- A corrected likelihood-based confidence area for Weibull distribution parameters and large-scale lifetime data. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Dortmund (2007).
- Dynamic Design of Large-Scale Lifetime Experiments. Österreichische Statistiktage, Universität Linz (2007).
- Quantification and analysis of the distribution of reliability test durations. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Wroclaw (2006).
- Statistical Optimization of fatigue tests in mechanical component experimentation. Presentation at the annual ENBIS conference, Newcastle (2005).
- Optimal Run Order in Experimental Designs. 1st STAVEX User Meeting, Thun (2004).